Someday, I will see the consequences of my actions in full effect… and god, may not be, so, merciful
New Year always makes you think.
What do the flags say?
The alternate flag says “Creeper Justice”, and the current one says just “Creeper”
OMG this will be biblic man
You have unlocked a New canonical form!
Ssssssweet! 😆
Happy New Year Solito!
Happy new year!
Happy New Year Roskiart!
Happy New Year Yosos, Amazing animation man!
Thanks <3
Beautiful drawing for the article. It's incredible how you managed the perspective.
Boy... Who the heck is @rosarjr???
I would stay away from them, sounds like a madd ladd
ros * arj * c
If I were a rich man
Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum
Call me ros
Also known as "El Ros".
Age 23, Male
Comic Maker -Amateur
Old New Spain (Mexico)
Joined on 12/6/23